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  1. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Spent the day cleaning the solar panels and cleaning out the gutters and am exhausted. Decided to dip into the aged HB and am having a Wee Heavy I made last July. Golden Promise for the base malt and a little Roasted Barley. 8.5% ABV, mashed high with a FG of 1.025. Hopefully the remainder...
  2. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Was just in Minnesota and Wisconsin a couple days ago and didn't see any Grain Belt on tap anywhere I was. Not that I really like it, but I like to try it every once in a while and it reminds me that beautiful part of the country. I need to find one of those glasses next time I'm over there.
  3. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    A couple months ago, I had a chat with the dude at the pub down the street about the best beer he ever had. He told me about a Brew Dog beer from many years back called Neon Overlord. It's a Mango Habanero IPA. While not my thing, it sounded interesting and a challenge to make. Brew Dog...
  4. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Just tapped the first Pale Mild I've ever made. It turned-out really nice. Packaged about 24 litres at 3.0% ABV. 3.0kg Mild Malt, 0.7kg Light Munich Malt, 20g EKG hop pellets, and Nottingham Yeast. A lot of flavor.
  5. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Thanks for the advice and encouragement!
  6. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    It's a bit of a cool and windy night, so I thought I'd pop-open a HB Wee Heavy bottled in August this year. The recipe is pretty straightforward. Maris Otter and a bit of Roasted Barley. Barely any hops. 8.5% ABV and a FG of 1.025. One of the best I've brewed this year. Trying to age these...
  7. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    I used the dried LalBrew Voss. I fermented at 35C (95F) and it turned-out well. The only issue is a bit of chill haze, so not due to the yeast. My wife says it finishes like a lager, but I think it's just a nice tasting strongish IPA. No funky tastes. I'd use it again.
  8. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    HB Kveik Galaxy IPA. 6.7% ABV. Drained the keg and down to a few bottles. First time brewing with Kveik and I'm still wrapping my head around it.
  9. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    HB Märzen. 5.4% ABV. Grist is half Munich, half Vienna. Tettnang to 21 IBU, so quite malty. Had to put this one on a bit early as it only lagered for a couple weeks. Catching-up on brewing and noticed I need the space in the kegerator! Tastes nice and the keg should drain quickly.
  10. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Yeah, my eight year old tried that too. Nothing that 20 push-ups, removal of the iPad, and a lecture about proper use of the King's English couldn't fix.
  11. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    HB Pale Ale. I wanted to get more familiar with Dextrin Malt, so I made a Pale Ale with a bit of body. In hindsight, it could have been a bit hoppier. 4.5kg Crisp Best Ale Malt 0.8kg Crisp Dextrin Malt 100g Bramling Cross hops (5% AA) - half at 60 min, half at 5 min US-05 OG: 1.051 FG: 1.018...
  12. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Last from the aged beers box for a while as I'm spent. HB 13.1% ABV Eisbock bottled March 22nd 2022. CBC-1 does a great job with carbonating high ABV beers.
  13. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Didn't feel like having this for Easter Sunday, so saved it for Monday. Aged HB Baltic Porter bottled March 10th 2021. May be getting a bit past it's peak, but still tastes great.
  14. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Moved house a couple months ago and still haven't have a good brewery set up yet. This is my second brew I've made here. It's an English IPA. OG 1.060 and FG 1.013. 6.2% ABV. Maris Otter base malt with a bit of Crystal malt. Norther Brewer for bittering (leftovers) and a lot of Bramling...
  15. NotSure

    What's in your fermenter(s)?

    Brewed a Bitter yesterday. 22 litres at 1.044OG. Using Lalbrew London English-Style dry yeast. 4.0 kg Maris Otter 0.25 kg Crystal Malt 0.05 kg Chocolate Malt Hopped with Northern Brewer at start of boil and then Fuggles at 5 minutes from flameout. Target IBU of 39.
  16. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    I'm not familiar with the term Black Cap, what is it? If it's Blackberries, I did the same with my daughter a few years back and made a wheat beer with them. Anyhow, your HB looks great!
  17. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    HB Eisbock. A nice way to finish 2022.
  18. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Thought I'd pop open a Barleywine before amateur night tomorrow and check the carbonation level on my aged inventory. This is a HB Dark Barleywine bottled on 10 August 2021. Here are the specifics: 9.0kg Simpsons Maris Otter 0.25 kg Special B 0.3kg Weyermann Carafa Sp. 3 100g Apollo 17.7%AA...
  19. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    Drinking my Chocolate Cherry Imperial Milk Stout. Despite having the longest name ever, and being a semi-successful first attempt, it's actually good. The brewday had its difficulties, which were lessons learned. Also, in hindsight, I should have used tart cherries instead of sweet as you can...
  20. NotSure

    What are you drinking now?

    This time of year makes a great reason to drink the beer left to age. Enjoyed a HB Barley Wine I bottled on 23 April 2020 with the Bacon Boulangère my wife made for Christmas Lunch/Dinner. The Barley Wine is 11kg Maris Otter and 2kg Carapils. Hopped with Apollo for 99 IBU. WLP-099 Yeast. OG...